We are pleased to start an online booking for Video conference (VC) facility at HO.
For booking , Please follow the below steps :
Step I
Check for your requirement of the availability of VC facility Slot from VC Calendar.
If available follow Step II.
In case of non availability , you are requested to choose another available slot.
Step II
General Guidelines :
*Only person(s) who have received this email are authorized to book for availing the VC facility.
*Availability of VC facility is between 10 am and 6 pm. In case of urgent ,unplanned or cancellation of Booking, timing, you can contact ICTC on Ext -119 or 9930969221.
*For VC booking out of the office working hours and on holidays you can contact ICTC on the same extension as mentioned above
*Max available timing slot per person/booking per day will be 2 Hrs .
*VC room has to be used only for making VC Calls. Internal or Vendor meetings are strictly Not allowed.
*VC room must be vacated immediately after the booked timings.
*No Bulk bookings are allowed. Only Weekly bookings are allowed.
*No Beverages /Foods are allowed in VC room. You can ask for Bottled water from Canteen and to be arranged on your own.
*Exchange of VC time Slot can be allowed, based on both the parties mutually agreeing upon and the same to be intimated to ICTC.
*In case of Technical issue, ICTC shall intimate the concerned parties of booking and shall allot new available time as per their convenience/requirements.
*Multi location booking facility is allowed only from Ho
*For Cleaning related matters, you are requested to speak to Ms Pallavi Parab or Mr Imran in HK department. Ext : 132
*Please ensure that lights/fans are switched on/off
*Suggestions for this process are welcome.